Category: Politics – Municipal, National, International

  • Varia on Covid and Politics in the United States.

    Another JuicyLesson from 🇨🇦 jerry 🇨🇦 .It’s been a while since my last JuicyLesson and now seems to be the time for my next one, this one. What with the Delta variant causing a significant increase in Covid infections and deaths south of the border with something like 99.5% of people affected by what looks…

  • Bye bye Donnie; hello Joe, what do you know … man?

    Another JuicyLesson from 🇨🇦 Jerry 🍁. So, to quote the excellent Stephen Colbert of “A Late Show”, it’s time for the daily segment entitled “Don and the Giant Impeach”. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, during every one of his shows, five days a week (and available on YouTube), Stephen begins with…

  • We Live in Dangerous Times: Fear and Loathing in DC.

    We Live in Dangerous Times: Fear and Loathing in DC.

    Supporters of US President Donald Trump enter the US Capitol’s Rotunda as reported tear gas smoke fills a corridor on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. – Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the a 2020 presidential election Electoral Vote Certification. (Photo by Saul LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP…

  • Requiem for a Heavy Lightweight

    Another Juicy Lesson from Canada 🇨🇦 Jerry 🍁. Ok. What’s going on? I’ll tell you. Almost 310,000 COVID-related deaths in the United States, an economy in shambles with 880,000 people filing for unemployment during the past week alone, deep divisions amongst Americans, all this plus an apparently extremely concerning cyber hack attributed to Russia which,…

  • Big Loser Juice

    Another JuicyLesson from 🇨🇦 Jerry:      Yesterday evening, I heard the moron-in-chief accuse Democrats of fraud, of trying to steal the election by taking votes away from him with the use of “illegal” mail-in ballots. He actually said that he would accept and support what he called “legal ballots”, i.e. ballots which were filled…

  • Trump Really Sucks.

    Another JuicyLesson from 🇨🇦 Jerry. I can’t believe this. Trump and his wife as well as Kellyanne Conway, three Senators and the president of Notre Dame – all of whom having been present at the Rose Garden ceremony, have been diagnosed with COVID-19 due to their negligence and their general failure to take the virus…

  • WTF is going on Juice?

    Another Juicy Lesson from Canadian Jerry I can’t believe what went down during the Republican National Convention since it began on Monday, August 24th, 2020. Speakers – and we’ll get to their quality, or, in all cases, the lack of same – in a little while but I am gonna focus on what came out…

  • What is this president?

    The moron-in-chief, in his inimitable manner, says that the Biden-Harris ticket is part of the radical left. As a matter of fact, he stated that he believes that the radical left will dictate policy to Biden and Harris. However, facts contradict that view in the sense that Harris’ history is more reactionary and certainly not…