Trump today said the following to a reporter outside the White House.“One day the virus will just go away.”“I did wear a mask one time, it was black and I like the way it looked. Sort of like the Lone Ranger. It looked good.” Yeah just like the Lone Ranger with his mask over his…
Mentally Ill Juice
I conclude that Trump is definitely crazy, out of his tiny mind and needs psychiatric help. He still doesn’t think that he did anything wrong … He sees himself as a victim and is seriously anti-empathetic as well being intellectually challenged, stupid in other words. He’s a very dumb man who thinks that he’s smart…
Fear and Loathing and Lying in Amerika. ShapoJuice.
Donald Trump, the present occupant of the White House, has been known to lie, mislead and generally subvert the truth by basically attempting to misguide his audience in an effort to spin what are pretty well indisputable facts into a set of circumstances more favourable to him … “Many presidents … some good, some bad,…
Fear and loathing in U.S. politics : three weeks in the life of DJT
Just watching Donnie at a news conference with the president of Finland. Same old talking points. Called the impeachment inquiry investigation a hoax, “a big fraud on the American people” as the moron-in-chief put it … Things are getting really interesting. Just last night the president tweeted that he had decided to scrap his plan…
Very Unfortunate Juice f. Kelly, Porter and Trump.
Let’s have a parade for fuck sake. Why not call it treason. Why not. But he’s only joking says the WH …. White House staff secretary Rob Porter, a top aide to President Donald Trump, has resigned, the White House confirmed Wednesday, following allegations of abuse from his two ex-wives … “Rob Porter is a…
Road Juice [Oct. 30, 2017]
Music today features Jimi Hendrix’s “Are you experience Different?” Well, are you? This shot is from Tampa, “winter” 2015. Annell and I in front of the Comfort Inn and Suites, Charleston, SC, Oct. 30/17 Arrived about an hour ago, pretty cool out there right now, 16 degrees C. with a significant wind which makes biking…
A Blast From The Past: A True Druggie Story
The cops came to see me when I was living in Brighton, England, way back in 1971 when I was only 23 years old … I don’t remember why the cops stopped us but they did, in the middle of the night, and they became suspicious when we told them we were headed for Brighton.…
Random Juice
Texas Passes Bill To Prevent Non-Christians From Adopting Kids In a previous life : In the aftermath of Barak Obama’s election victory in 2012. US President Donald Trump (L) and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands after delivering press statements before an official dinner. Donald Trump makes the wrong impression at Yad Vashem By…