JuicyLesson #106: Medicinal Marywanna – edibles, etc. (Part 2)

The above photo is of edibles, etc.

If you have the time, it is suggested that you briefly look at the following JuicyLessons for background information for today’s Juicy Lesson — #’s 8, 9, 10 as well as yesterday’s, JuicyLesson #105, which is actually Part 1 of this study. It would definitely be a big help for you to take three minutes or so to view the video I featured yesterday (Wednesday).

So to pick up where Wednesday’s lesson ended … Personally, I am licensed by the Canadian federal government to consume pot at an average rate not in excess 1.5 g per day, 45 g a month. Prior to May 2012 when I got attacked by pneumonia, I had been mixing tobacco and pot – both government issued and not – in a pipe and smoking it. However, since pneumonia hit and ruined my lungs I am not able to consume my pain-killing dope by smoking it. Therefore at first I changed to drinking pot tea (see JuicyLesson #10 for further information on this as well as for a comparison between smoking it on the one hand and drinking it in tea on the other) and have since moved to experimenting with the consumption of edibles obtained through an organization called the Medical Cannabis Access Society (MCAS).

For further information, you can simply google MCAS to get contact information.

Note that to be accepted as a client at MCAS, you must either have a government permit as I do, or a form duly completed and signed by an M.D. As part of my own application to the government to get their authorization to possess, such a form, which serves as a prescription in this case, was included.

The psychoactive element of pot is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) with the medicinal component being CBD (Cannabidiol). THC gets you stoned while the CBD serves to reduce feelings of pain as well as having additional medicinal effects, which is not to say that CBD has no role to play in getting a person buzzed.

All of the products featured in Wednesday’s video are classified as either “Sativa” or or “Indica”*. I’ll deal more with this during our video today but suffice to say that there are certain differences between the two as shown in the following figures. (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3.)

*some med pot products are mixtures of Indica and Sativa with an emphasis – say sixty percent on one of the components; it can be a fifty-fifty split as well.

Figure 1 — Sativa vs. Indica


Figure 2 — Sativa vs. Indica and the names of different strains of cannabis fitting into each category


Figure 3
What is the difference between Indica and Sativa?
Scientifically (and legally), there is no difference between Indica and Sativa; all cannabis plants are considered to be Cannabis sativa . In practice, the differences between Indica and Sativa are many and varied. Generally the terms are used to describe broad categories which indicate a particular strain’s place in the the ‘spectrum’ of cannabis. There are a multitude of different growth-patterns, qualities and effects within this spectrum and the differences between Indica and Sativa are largely due to the fact that cannabis displays a remarkable ability to adapt to a wide range of different environments. Since all branches of the cannabis family tree can interbreed freely (including industrial hemp and Cannabis ruderalis J.), some botanists consider all forms of cannabis to be relatively the same.

The psychoactive element of pot is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and the medicinal component is CBD (Cannabidiol). THC gets you stoned while the CBD serves to reduce feelings of pain as well as having additional medicinal effects.

Indica = muscle relaxant, treats acute pain, emphasis on CBD
Sativa = uplifting, euphoric, emphasis on THC

Today we’ll be looking at the following two products (we’ll be looking at some others in a future Juicy Lesson if there is judged to be demand for it): A Double Chocolate Cookie (Fig. 4), and one Dark Chocolate Peppermint (Fig. 5).

Figure 4 — Double Chocolate Fuck-Up … I mean “cookie” … Double Chocolate Cookie


Figure 5 — Dark Chocolate Sleep Aid … Dark Chocolate Peppermint


Before getting to the video live action portion of today’s JuicyLesson, I would just like to say that this study has gotten to be a little more involved than I had initially intended. Therefore in response to the following email request I received in reference to Wednesday’s JuicyLesson I will have to take these topics up tomorrow:

What would be really cool is to explain to viewers how the edibles help you, pain level reduction, mental effects, side effects, cost of edibles, how to get a prescription, etc. To many these are big questions and concerns.

Figure 6 — Interior of a dark chocolate peppermint. Had to take a bite out of it in the interests of science and education.


Now on to the video action segment of today’s JuicyLesson:

I hope you are now wiser.




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