Category: Politics – Municipal, National, International

  • Constitution Juice — 02/06/2017

    Trump’s Tweet : The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned! … it is not the job of the courts to enforce the law. That responsibility rests with the police … What you have to watch is for Trump attempting to usurp power…

  • Back to the Future Juice — (02/04/2017)

    … Remember that we in the West view and judge the East and its behaviours, through our western eyes (and v.v). There is definitely an element of cultural imperialism evident in the development of our own psychological environments, the latter conditioned a great deal by the nature of the physical environments we find ourselves in…

  • Juice From Concentrate — 01/31/2017

    Juice From Concentrate  — 01/31/2017

    I count some of the Americans I have met, personally, on my travels, or through FB, as some of the finest people with whom I have ever come into contact – kind, generous, and helpful to a lost soul on his trike passing through … When a guy loses a limb in a desert thousands…

  • Here a Little Juice, There a Little Juice. F. Music by The Cult. — c. 01/30/2017 —

    Here a Little Juice, There a Little Juice. F. Music by The Cult. — c. 01/30/2017  —

    We’re in serious trouble, people. So get ready … There has been a shooting at a Mosque in Quebec City, leaving some dead. Apparently three gunmen entered the mosque in our provincial capital during a regular evening service, and opened fire. Six have been killed and another eight wounded, of which six are fighting for…

  • Something Old, Something New

    Today’s Juice deals with a three-way conversation for the most part among my friend from Maryland [FFM], a guy who we shall call ***, and me … *** starts off with the following wiser and cultured remark: “Fuck Muhammad! Fuck Islam! Bring it on you Goat Humping Pig Pokers!!! 🖕… ” … Friend from Maryland…

  • Bye, Bye, Donnie, Boy … And the Faster the Better

    … but remember that his replacement, the Vice President Mike Pence, is a far-right asshole who has stated that homosexuality is a choice and voted to fund “rehab centres” dedicated to curing homosexuality, as if it’s a disease of some type. Pence also is opposed to abortion and same sex marriage … What can you…

  • The Juice Awakens … After a Period of Hibernation Visions of Israel and Trump Have Been Permeating My Psyche Lately

    Moving the American embassy there would be telling the world that the Excited States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a slap in the face to the Palestinian Authority as well as to Arabs … That’s all some Jews seem to care about, Israel or bust … To expect Trump to unite the country,…

  • Juice on the Loose

    Juice on the Loose

    So let’s see if I understand this correctly. Trump, an alleged serial sexual predator, is running for the presidency of the richest and most powerful country on the face of God’s greying earth and says that one thing he plans to do in his first hundred days in that office, will be to sue the…