Here and There and Everywhere Juice …
I remember during the first Gulf War I started off watching exclusively US coverage. Then one day, either accidentally or not – can’t recall – I tuned into the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and wow what a fucking difference in coverage… Some American media hardly even mention Canada’s women’s team when reporting the American team’s…
Fear and Loathing and Lying in Amerika. ShapoJuice.
Donald Trump, the present occupant of the White House, has been known to lie, mislead and generally subvert the truth by basically attempting to misguide his audience in an effort to spin what are pretty well indisputable facts into a set of circumstances more favourable to him … “Many presidents … some good, some bad,…
Dangerous Juice
There is no doubt that there is overwhelming division in societies of the West – mass shootings, stabbings, the venom which blankets contemporary social media, terrorism both imported and domestic, hate speech and hate crimes. There are a multitude of questions surrounding this serious crisis such as: Why is this stuff happening right now? Were/Are…
The Juice Awakens … After a Period of Hibernation Visions of Israel and Trump Have Been Permeating My Psyche Lately
Moving the American embassy there would be telling the world that the Excited States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a slap in the face to the Palestinian Authority as well as to Arabs … That’s all some Jews seem to care about, Israel or bust … To expect Trump to unite the country,…
This is an important JuicyLesson which I am re-posting. I have trouble processing the fact that there was no reaction the first time. SIMPLY NONE.
Two different ways of conveying the same message : Eli Wiesel (RIP) and Sir Elton John. When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn?
The Juice is Loose : Some People are Just Palin Ignorant.
It’s incredible how totally dumb some people can be … an unfitting tribute to the 4th.
The Essential Truth, Ruth. Very Sad.
This former CIA officer’s secret life taught her one lesson: Listen to your enemy. Her message is right on point. What can we do?
Trump the Hump
Donald Trump’s quite popular, we see. This should worry sane, educated and intelligent people not only in the USA, but also in North America and the rest of the world. This guy just yesterday told one of his crowds that he felt “like punching (one of the protesters at the rally) in the face”. Enough…