Category: Current Events

  • Lying Trump Fake Juice

    Lying Trump Fake Juice

    It has morphed into a game of cat and mouse, of gotcha, of lies upon lies upon lies. This Trump thing is just becoming ridiculous. If it wasn’t so dangerous, it would be amusing. The man is apparently becoming unhinged, retreating into himself, gaining weight and thereby becoming even fatter – his head included -…

  • Random Juice

    Texas Passes Bill To Prevent Non-Christians From Adopting Kids In a previous life : In the aftermath of Barak Obama’s election victory in 2012. US President Donald Trump (L) and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands after delivering press statements before an official dinner. Donald Trump makes the wrong impression at Yad Vashem By…

  • Legal Pot Juice … Roll, Eat, Enjoy + A Little Trump-Ski.

    Legal Pot Juice … Roll, Eat, Enjoy + A Little Trump-Ski.

    This cop was ok – I would have of course liked him more had he not given me a ticket for speeding – he told me that if it had been a younger cop who stopped me, and if this youngster had wanted to put a notch in his belt or wanted to hassle me…

  • More Juice on Trump

    More Juice on Trump

    Trump’s creating jobs. But at what cost? I guess when you can’t see beyond your nose, you don’t consider the futures of your kids’ kids, and their’s. Ya follow, Donny? Really and truly doubt that. One of the around 50 (!) Executive Orders Trump put his name to was the one which eases Obama era…

  • Conjoined Juice : Trump and his (free-)Base + Ignorance

    Funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be cut to zero, and the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities would be eliminated entirely, the first time any president has proposed such a measure. The spending outline is what White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney calls a “hard-power budget,”…

  • Constitution Juice — 02/06/2017

    Trump’s Tweet : The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned! … it is not the job of the courts to enforce the law. That responsibility rests with the police … What you have to watch is for Trump attempting to usurp power…

  • Back to the Future Juice — (02/04/2017)

    … Remember that we in the West view and judge the East and its behaviours, through our western eyes (and v.v). There is definitely an element of cultural imperialism evident in the development of our own psychological environments, the latter conditioned a great deal by the nature of the physical environments we find ourselves in…

  • Juice From Concentrate — 01/31/2017

    Juice From Concentrate  — 01/31/2017

    I count some of the Americans I have met, personally, on my travels, or through FB, as some of the finest people with whom I have ever come into contact – kind, generous, and helpful to a lost soul on his trike passing through … When a guy loses a limb in a desert thousands…