JuicyLesson #99: 2013: A Year’s Retrospective in Photos (Part 1)

First of all, I want to wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year; may 2014 be a good year for you, may you receive everything you think you want.

Personally, I do not want anything, nothing substantial at any rate. But I do have desires – haven’t been able as yet to transcend these, although I do talk the talk. Now it’s time to, you know, walk the fucking walk. Talking about it is just thinking out loud and bouncing your thoughts off others while they’re doing the same, that is bouncing their thoughts off you – while writing about it is a little better. At least by setting things down on paper, we are able to clarify how we think and why we think the way we do in relation to our unfolding lives, both abstract and real, at once philosophical and concrete.

One has to be logical in his/her thought processes and in how one expresses him/herself on paper if one wants to be taken seriously as a writer. There is a time to reap, a time to sow, so without further ado, here is a photographic expository accompanied by – where totally appropriate and dare I say even called for – what I’d like to think of as humorous and/or snarky commentary from yours truly.

I hope you enjoy this JuicyLesson as much as I did preparing it. Learnt one thing though, my view of the news is way too ethnocentric. This is manifested partly by my basic ignorance when it comes to Asian natural disasters and hurricanes except for that first enormous Tsunami hitting Japan a few years back and, unfortunately for the more than thirteen hundred workers who perished in the disaster, the collapse of a Bangla Deshi textile factory near Dacca, that poverty-stricken nation’s capital city.

A hand reaches out through the debris of the collapsed factory in Bangla Desh


Water, water everywhere.



Boring and boringer

A man of remarkable excellence




An injured person cries out for help during shootings at a Kenyan mall

Displaying ostentatious religious symbols may get you taken away in Quebec starting this year

The blade runner accused of murdering his girlfriend in South Africa


Civil war in Syria


See you tomorrow.



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