With apologies to Geoffrey Chaucer: the Football Player – Commissioners Tale.

I disliked that smirky little smile that Tom Brady was wearing, along with his suit, while leaving the court house yesterday. The process was ruled to be flawed, Tom. You’re not off the hook. Outside of New England, you’re perceived as having done something unfair, to say the least.

It doesn’t matter, seemingly, how often NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, screws up. According to John Kryk, it doesn’t matter as long as Goodell continues to make money for the League owners who hired him and to whom he’s responsible, he will continue earning around $50 million a year.

Come off it. A monkey could earn the owners money. What does Goodell do that another person with similar qualifications – and there must be plenty of people out there who fit that description (aside from matching good old boy Roger’s experience as NFL Commissioner obviously), could not? ZEERO, in my opinion.

2 responses to “With apologies to Geoffrey Chaucer: the Football Player – Commissioners Tale.”

  1. As Chief Justice Lord Hewart observed,”Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.” The NFL screwed up every aspect of this case, and as a result their judgement ought to be, and has been dismissed.

    (Which doesn’t prove Brady innocent… as you note.)

    • Thanks for that, Peter. I am about to post something about Sarah Palin whom I just saw being interviewed on CNN’s aptly named State of the Union. I turned her off as she did to me.

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